
BC Roofing Brokers value begins when your Property Manager is finished.

Your property manager begins the New Roof process by calling 3 roofers from their approved list for a quote .  BC Roofing Brokers get up to 9 quotes with identical specs from qualified experienced roofers who are not trying to retire on one roofing job.  It is unfair to expect your Property Manager to compete with BC Roofing Brokers.    Every roofer that quotes on your roof must see the property to provide a qualified bid according to the specifications.

Roofing Brokers offer a FREE unbiased ”check & balance” to roofing quotes provided by Property Managers. A Strata Councils 1st or paralel price check for a new roof should be with their Property Manager. We arrange transactions between Strata Corps and a Roofing Company. Our payment is based on a Contingency only after the deal is executed.

As a Roofing Broker we are independent agents used extensively by Strata Corps to save hundreds of thousands of dollars. We negotiate the best roofing deal between Roofers and Strata Corps. Our prime motivation is to find the same or better roof at a much lower price than your Property Manager has.

Roofing Brokers also furnish considerable market information regarding prices, products, and market conditions. As a Roofing Broker we represent the Strata Corps only. We are not affiliated with or receive payment from Roofers or Property Managers.

There are advantages to using a broker. First, they know their market. Brokers have the tools and resources to reach all the qualified Roofing Companies. We then screen potential Roofers for the benefit of the Strata Corps based on cost, reputation, timeliness, and quality of work.

BC Roofing Brokers recently negotiated a savings of $400,000 less than the best quote from the Property Manager.

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